
Today we will talk about a competence of intrapersonal intelligence , humility. We can understand humility as a person’s ability to know and accept his or her own weaknesses and shortcomings, to manage his or her ego without putting himself above others, and to recognize and admit the qualities and worths of others.

This quality is highly valued today in companies and leaders. Humble leaders are not afraid to be vulnerable and recognize that they don’t know everything, that they don’t have all the answers, so they strive to listen and accept the opinions of others.

The Humble Leader

A humble leader or professional does not feel superior or inferior to others, and understands that their work is at the service of their team and others, managing success prudently, without boasting about their achievements.

The humble person acknowledges his mistakes, he admits his mistakes and apologizes for them by repairing the damage if any, he generously shares his knowledge, he is grateful and respectful to the people with whom he interacts and he is not afraid to put aside his ego by giving more power of opinion and decision to others.

This competence is therefore closely related to other competencies of intrapersonal intelligence mentioned above, such as self-knowledge and self-control , and also of interpersonal intelligence, such as active listening and the development of others.


The humble person knows that he does not know everything, that other people have opinions and ideas as valuable or more than he does, therefore, he strives to listen carefully and actively to other people and his collaborators. Reflect in writing on how you can encourage mindful and intentional listening the next time you have a meeting with your team.

How do you listen to each person on the team? At what point do you participate by expressing your idea/opinion?

How do you make sure that everyone has offered their point of view before giving yours?

How do you modify or adapt your opinion based on the information and ideas of others?

How much time do you spend talking and explaining your opinion, and how much time do you give your collaborators to give feedback?

To be humble is also to listen to your collaborators

See what happens if you wait to participate after listening to all your collaborators.

  • We have commented that a humble person accepts their mistakes, is not afraid to be corrected and appreciates that feedback because it is an opportunity to improve. It is important to recognize that we are not always absolutely right and that, moreover, in many cases, it is more important to understand the other than to prove that “we are right”.

Reflect on your case:

How do you feel when someone corrects you or points out a mistake you’ve made? What is your reaction and response to that person?

How do you express your point of view in your conversations? How do you show others that you consider their opinions to be just as valid as your own?

How do you want to act in this regard from now on?

Humility is fostering egalitarian relationships

  • Humble people foster egalitarian relationships, respect differences, and appreciate those differences, taking advantage of synergies in diversity teams, maintaining a collaborative and supportive attitude in their teams. In your case: How can you foster that collaboration in your team? What prejudices do you want to avoid from now on about people you interact with?
  • Avoiding judgment and respecting differences also fosters a humble and open attitude to learning from others.

Sometimes we compare ourselves to others, but it’s important to understand that we’re all different and that makes us unique. Showing respect and admiration for others and their opinions, regardless of their position or responsibility in the organization, makes us develop our humility.

Humility Is Thankfulness

  • Humility is also reflected in gratitude, both for others and for the things you receive from life.

Reflect in writing each day for the next week:

What are the things you are grateful for today?

How do you show appreciation each day to the people you interact with?

How many times do you say thank you or ask for what you need?

It is important to be grateful for the good things that happen to us in life and in our professional environment, even if what we achieve is a consequence of our effort, not taking the results for granted and giving thanks is also a good exercise in humility.

Final Thoughts

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… And remember to keep developing your talent to reach your best version.

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