
What is self-motivation? How can it be encouraged?

What is self-motivation? How to achieve self-motivation? Self-motivation is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that shows the person’s ability to influence and properly manage their own energy to achieve their objectives and goals. People with high self-motivation are able to manage their moods and regulate them so as not to be intimidated by fears or…

Capacidad analítica

Capacidad analítica: Qué es y cómo podemos entrenarla

La capacidad analítica y de gestión de la información es la competencia de la persona para analizar variables, indicadores y datos y establecer conclusiones a partir de hipótesis y hechos. Las personas con capacidad analítica profundizan en los análisis que realizan, saben interpretar los resultados y las relaciones existentes entre los datos, demostrando coherencia a…


What is compassion? How to develop it in the professional field?

What is compassion? How to develop it? Do you know what compassion is? Compassion is the ability to identify with various causes that affect one’s fellow human beings and to help others openly and selflessly. People with high compassion are comfortable listening to other people’s work or personal concerns or needs, are willing to help…

orientación al cliente

How to develop customer orientation?

What is customer orientation? How to develop customer orientation? We talked about customer orientation. Do you know what customer orientation is and how to develop it? Customer orientation is the ability to establish and maintain sustainable relationships with people with customers, (internal or external). People with this competence tend to prioritize customer satisfaction and adopt…

Qué es la Visión estratégica

What is Strategic Vision? How to develop this competence?

What is Strategic Vision? How to develop this competence? It is the ability to detect opportunities and visualize competitiveness scenarios, as well as the ability to design actions and activities to take advantage of those situations proactively. It involves having the ability to develop action plans, monitor and evaluate both progress and results. People with…

 la atención al detalle

How to develop attention to detail?

What is attention to detail? Attention to detail is the ability to analyze details thoroughly and accurately from large volumes of information or data. It is the ability to process detailed information effectively and consistently. People who have developed this competence are able to categorize information, pay attention to small details that for other people…