personas con discapacidad en las empresas

In this debate on the “Café con Talento” channel, we discussed the inclusion of people with disabilities in companies.
Inclusion is based on considering the diversity of people and individual differences in a positive way .
Diversity is not a problem, but an opportunity for the enrichment of society, through active participation in family life, in education, at work and in general in all social, cultural and community processes (UNESCO, 2005).
It is very important that we break down the barriers that still exist around this concept.
We must all intervene for this: governments, media, associations, regulations and society in general.
In this debate we have had the participation of Nuria Rivas, (President of ADAMPI Aragón (Association of People with Amputations and Agenesis of Aragon) and Beatriz Gutiérrez, (Regional Coordinator of the Adecco Foundation in Aragon and La Rioja).


Discussion on the inclusion of people with disabilities in companies

I would like to highlight some of the ideas that have come up in the conversation about people with disabilities in companies, that you enjoy them…

What do we mean by this concept of inclusion?

Beatriz believes that the term “inclusion” of people with disabilities is more appropriate than “integration“.
It is important to have an inclusive and diverse society in which different people live together and in which the concept of diversity is the one that is heard and used more and more. We are all different, we have different talents and abilities, different ways of thinking and that ideology is what makes society diverse.
That inclusion is what includes all people and allows us all to have the same job opportunities, regardless of age, gender, or disability.

Equity is giving everyone what they need, including all the people who are part of society, Beatriz Gutiérrez

Inclusion rather than integration

Nuria adds that, in this sense, the word “inclusion” represents going a step beyond “integration”.
Integration is taking into account people with disabilities but it gives the impression that it means doing things in a “special way” for them, taking into account their needs.
But inclusion is that step further, when everything is already constituted, elaborated, designed for everyone, you no longer have to think about specificities, but everything is valid for everyone.
Thus, for example, when you are going to do an activity it would no longer be necessary to notify that you are going to do it, and that they have to provide you with technical help, but it would already be designed and adapted so that everyone can access it.
The idea is that everything is incorporated and normalized as a habit.

People with disabilities

On the debate that arises between using the term “people with disabilities“, or with functional disabilities, etc., based on the Style Manual of Cocemfe, (Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities). It uses the term “person with disability” (not “disabled”) as one more characteristic that the person has.
It is not advocated to use the terms “functional diversity” or “different abilities” since, although they are well-intentioned, they generate a certain ambiguity in a certain way.
They also dilute the difference that does exist in people with disabilities and for which rights are attributed to them.
As we are all different and we all have different abilities, using the appropriate term, we prevent the person with disabilities from becoming “invisible” in the globality.
This is also included in the International Convention on Persons with Disabilities.
Beatriz adds the importance of the concept of equity.
Each and every one of us is different, both because of our physical characteristics, the environment in which we have been educated, our ideology, etc.
If society tries to reach each one of us, that is where inclusion will be reflected.

Inclusion implies having a broader vision, it involves a change of approach and seeking that everyone has a place, that no one is left out, Nuria Rivas


What is the current situation in companies regarding awareness of the importance of inclusion?

Beatriz comments that society has evolved in recent years and, therefore, so have companies, which are made up of people.
There is still much to be done, but the evolution is positive.
20 or 25 years ago everything was more dormant, but now companies are concerned about having a diverse workforce.
Although there is still work to be done, not only in companies, but also in education and in society.
From an early age, diversity and difference must be educated, so that in the future these children do not find it strange to meet people with disabilities.
Nuria adds that awareness is evolving and advancing, but standardization still needs to be facilitated.

Let’s always try to go one step further, society demands to be more and more complete at all levels and that means the inclusion of all people, Nuria Rivas

Training of people who work with disabilities in companies

Platforms such as COCEMFE, (Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities) and CERMI, (Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities) work to help through guides and guidance to companies and organizations that want to implement and carry out actions to be inclusive entities.
Although in general we are also in favor of the work, sometimes when it comes down to it, when someone has to work closely with someone with a disability, (especially in the case of the most stigmatized disabilities) it is something that is normalized or we can still improve.
Beatriz adds in this regard that sometimes it is necessary to do training for people who are going to work with people with disabilities.
At the beginning it can give respect, because they do not know how to do it or what to take into account for proper treatment.
In this way, people are accompanied to understand the situation and to understand what the appropriate action is.  

How to fight against the stigma that sometimes exists towards certain disabilities?

Nuria comments that sometimes if it is considered that it will be a stigma or barrier , sometimes people with disabilities who are not visible prefer not to comment on their situation.
Beatriz adds that in the selection processes in companies it is important to focus on people’s talent, to be careful with the labels and biases that we sometimes tend to use.
We must ensure that in the selection processes companies focus on the talents that the person does have, not only on what they lack or on disability, we must tend to remove the “labels”.  

What more could be done at the institutional and legal level to continue advancing inclusion?

Education and training are key, as Nuria reflects.
Ignorance generates many problems.
Also changing the approach to disability, we are not less than others nor are we heroes or heroines.
Empathy is also important, once you know the reality of people with disabilities, doing the exercise of “putting yourself in their place”, that would also make it much easier to continue advancing.
Beatriz believes that a lot is being done, but that we must continue to advance in awareness and education.
All people in this life want to be happy, and work is an important part, therefore it is something that people with disabilities also need and it must be facilitated.
The ability to overcome, the motivation of people with disabilities is something very valuable and we must put it in a positive way.
We have to look at talent in a positive light, everything that the person has to do to do anything that does not involve so much sacrifice for other people.

The ability of people with disabilities to overcome and self-motivate is something very valuable and must be put in a positive light, Beatriz Gutiérrez

And you, what experiences or opinions would you like to contribute to these ideas on the inclusion of people with disabilities in companies?

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