
What is curiosity? Is curiosity trained? How to train my curiosity? Curiosity is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that manifests itself in an attitude of questioning the status quo, seeking information and answers beyond the obvious, the ability to analyze situations and creativity to generate alternatives and solutions.

Curious people

are restless and seek information, discover, know and go beyond what is already known.

It has to do with analytical ability, creativity, and result orientation.

What is curiosity? Train my curiosity?

Thus, curiosity is one of the most relevant skills in good leaders, as it allows them to identify problems and generate different alternatives and ideas to solve them.

Benefits of Curiosity

A lot of research shows that curiosity improves performance in the workplace, as people who score high are more likely to:
1- Ask open-ended questions
2- Seek feedback
3- Receive better feedback

Other benefits:
They help us overcome our fears…
They also help us develop empathy…
It gives us more knowledge…
It leads to humility…
It makes us more self-aware…

Perpetual curiosity

Perpetual Curiosity (Understanding and Dialogue)
It’s important to listen to other people’s ideas, even if they’re different
I value colleagues with different ideas.
I like to listen to my colleagues, even if they have a different view of my current thinking.
Even when I’m confident in my approach/knowledge, I like to listen to other people’s opinions.

Epistemic Curiosity (planning for interaction)
I enjoy it because I often find that my mind continues to work through complex data outside of intended interactions.
I’m excited to think about and experience different data.
I look for opportunities to expand my knowledge or skills.
I’m looking for tasks or situations that I’ll have to think about deeply.


Some ideas:

  • Read and research information, both about your interests and other subjects that are from areas you don’t know.
  • Participate in new forums, exchange opinions, and listen to others open-mindedly and without judgment.
  • Be willing to ask silly questions. Fear of judgment is a barrier to curiosity.
  • In addition to doing puzzles, also focus on the most complex or unsolved mysteries, look for options, and think of alternatives that can explain those mysteries.

What would you like to say about this topic? What does curiosity mean to you?

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