Today we will talk about an interpersonal emotional intelligence competency that is kindness. Kindness refers to the quality of the person of being considerate, tolerant, and well-treated.
The kind person relates respectfully to others, recognizing their rights and dignity, even when they do not agree with their opinions or beliefs. The kind person treats others with kindness and is careful in their communication, showing courtesy and affection towards others.
It is an interpersonal skill that is increasingly in demand in organizations, since friendly people foster a serene, pleasant and respectful climate, both for the people who work in the company and for customers and people who are outside.
Kindness: Being Kind
Being kind is related to other emotional intelligence competencies seen above, such as self-confidence, self-control, empathy and communication.
For Seligman, kindness makes us react to adversity with the response of caring and protecting against the survival impulse to fight or flee.
In addition, helping others increases levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to the control of emotions and mood, which makes us feel satisfied.
Another advantage of feeling rewarded for doing good is that it reduces our stress levels, as it decreases cortisol.
I suggest that you take pen and paper and reflect on these questions to design your action plan:
Identify your language
• Identify how your way of expressing yourself, your face or your body language changes when you have a complicated day, in which it seems that everything is turned upside down and you feel that you are angry.
How can you use kinder language? What words or gestures do you want to avoid in those moments?
• Kindness is an act of genuine generosity, with the desire to make life easier for others. Think about how you can show that generosity in your next conversation with a collaborator or client in your work environment.
How can you help them? What can you say to the person in a kind tone to comfort them?
A smile
• Throughout this week greet with a smile and looking into the eyes of the people you meet, use the two magic words, “please” and “thank you” whenever you have the chance.
You will see the powerful and contagious effect that kindness can have on our environment.
Don’t prejudge
• When you talk to a person, try to stop the inner radio that we all have, do not prejudge and make an effort to accept the person as they are. Offer selfless help if the person needs it, but only what you can carry out.
Telling the truth
• The kind person also tells the truth in a gentle and tactful way when doing so is useful to the other person. Think about how you can give that feedback in a delicate and careful way so as not to hurt and at the same time honestly communicate the information that will help the person improve.
“Remember to continue developing your talent to reach your best version”