la lealtad en las personas y en las organizaciones

Let’s reflect on loyalty, which is a person’s ability to show respect, care, and defense of what they believe in and who they believe in.

Loyal people have a noble and honest attitude, being able to generate stronger and more lasting relationships, in turn inspiring trust and respect in others. Loyal people are honest and act in line with their values, but also with that respectful commitment to the other, where there is no room for betrayals, lies or self-interested attitudes.

Understood in a broad sense , loyalty begins, as in many of the competencies seen above, with oneself, before being able to show loyalty to other people or to an organization.

Loyal People: Loyalty Starts with Yourself

People who are loyal to themselves first, they are authentic, and they are sincere and consistent with their principles. This implies self-knowledge, self-motivation and the commitment of the person to what they want in life and to their main values above the demands of affection and specific circumstances. Loyal people are authentic and predictable, they stick to their core principles, they don’t change their criteria constantly. They respect themselves above all else, their ideas, concerns and moral principles, which makes them clearly define their identity as a person.

In the environment of organizations, the loyalty of professionals is a highly valued quality. Loyal people will respect ethical and moral attitudes, are faithful to their word, fulfill their obligations and also defend the company’s values. Loyal leaders and professionals keep their promises and obligations, are honest in their performance, and maintain a responsible and caring attitude toward their teams and organizations. They are people who develop a high sense of belonging, identify with the values of the brand and/or company, and demonstrate gratitude to the organization. It is a quality that has to do with other competencies discussed above, such as commitment and honesty.


I suggest you make the following reflections in writing to become aware of your level of loyalty to yourself and your organization:

• Reflect on what are the most important values in your life and how you demonstrate in your day to day the time and dedication to those aspects that are important to you.
Are you consistent in your day-to-day life with your core values? Are you assertive and stand firm in communicating your ideas and feelings, being true to your beliefs and values?
What changes do you want to make in your day-to-day life to show more fidelity to those principles?
Do you respect your ethical and moral code without letting yourself be forced to do something you don’t want to do or don’t believe in?

Loyalty in organizations

• People who are loyal to their organizations exhibit some of the following behaviors, which of them do you identify with?

In case you don’t identify with any of these aspects, what is the barrier you encounter? Do any of these aspects conflict with your values? What would you like to change?

1-They are grateful to the people who have trusted them to give them opportunities.
2-They try to favor the company they work for and not betray it to the competition.
They strive to meet the specific objectives and purposes of the position they have accepted in the company.
4-They respect the rules of conduct and values of the organization of which they are a part.
5-They maintain discretion and prudence in the treatment of confidential information of the organization to avoid harm or damage to their company or co-workers.
They put the collective interests of the organization before their own interests and are collaborative.
7-They take care of the image of the organization they work for.

“Remember to continue developing your talent to reach your best version”

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