Mi propósito es contribuir con alegría al desarrollo de las personas para que encuentren su misión, alcanzando su mejor versión en este camino.
Today we will talk about a competence of interpersonal intelligence that we have already dealt with on previous occasions, such as communication, but today we will focus on written communication. We can say that written communication is about the ability to transmit ideas, knowledge and arguments in writing in a clear, rigorous and convincing way,…
Today we will talk about an interpersonal emotional intelligence competency that is kindness. Kindness refers to the quality of the person of being considerate, tolerant, and well-treated. The kind person relates respectfully to others, recognizing their rights and dignity, even when they do not agree with their opinions or beliefs. The kind person treats others…
We are now going to deal with an intrapersonal intelligence competency, which is the ability to adapt to the digital environment, something that years ago was not so critical, but which is currently a necessary competence in professionals who join digital organizations. This competence refers to the proactivity of the person to assimilate digital changes…
Today we will reflect on a competence of interpersonal intelligence that is reliability. Reliability tells us about a person in whom it is possible to trust and place trust, basically, because he has a remarkable track record, the results of his management are always in accordance with expectations, he meets the established parameters, he provides…
Today I would like to address this aspect that I find on many occasions in coaching sessions with my clients, and I think it is an interesting interpersonal competence that is very useful today, professional visibility. On many occasions my clients tell me: “well, it’s just that I dedicate myself to work, to carry out…
Let’s reflect on loyalty, which is a person’s ability to show respect, care, and defense of what they believe in and who they believe in. Loyal people have a noble and honest attitude, being able to generate stronger and more lasting relationships, in turn inspiring trust and respect in others. Loyal people are honest and…
Today I want to talk to you about books on Agility and Coaching. Some time ago I became certified as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master, understanding that this complementary training will help me to better accompany my clients in the transformation processes of their companies. Nowadays we hear a lot about Agility in companies,…
What is enthusiasm? Let’s reflect on another emotional intelligence competency , which is enthusiasm. We could say that enthusiasm is the ability of the person to connect with positive emotions, which make them face their challenges and objectives with joy, passion and optimism. In addition, it also shows the person’s ability to connect with the…
Today we will talk about a competence of intrapersonal intelligence , humility. We can understand humility as a person’s ability to know and accept his or her own weaknesses and shortcomings, to manage his or her ego without putting himself above others, and to recognize and admit the qualities and worths of others. This quality…
What is self-motivation? How to achieve self-motivation? Self-motivation is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that shows the person’s ability to influence and properly manage their own energy to achieve their objectives and goals. People with high self-motivation are able to manage their moods and regulate them so as not to be intimidated by fears or…