Mi propósito es contribuir con alegría al desarrollo de las personas para que encuentren su misión, alcanzando su mejor versión en este camino.
Self-knowledge is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence and is basic to be able to develop many other skills. It consists of knowing ourselves in depth, knowing how to understand our emotions, strengths, weaknesses, motivations and values. It involves going through several phases of reflection, such as self-observation, (ability to observe myself objectively and dissociated to…
What is humor? We will now talk about the competence of humor, related to the ability to face situations with a positive state, looking for the cheerful and hopeful aspect that shows an optimistic vision. It allows you to connect emotionally with others and spreads enthusiasm. Humor properly understood implies humility and begins with oneself…
What is courage? Courage is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that consists of the ability to take action and undertake something, once the decision to carry it out has been made. It is the ability to face and manage one’s own fears in a way that drives action and achievement of the proposed objectives. It…
What does remote work involve? During the COVID 19 crisis , many companies adopted remote work in order to continue with their productive and strategic activities. They were chaotic weeks because there were no protocols and people worked as best they could from home. In many companies they were reluctant to implement remote work because…
What is workplace well-being and why is it so important? Today I share with you some reflections on this topic of the Café con Talento debate that we had the pleasure of sharing with Silvia Escribano, (expert in Corporate Well-being and Organizational Happiness, TOP HR Influencer Spain 2021 and awarded with the recognition of the…
How to reinvent yourself after a pandemic? In 2020, our lives were turned upside down as a result of COVID-19. Globally, we were involved in a pandemic that meant a radical turn in social, economic and work life. In addition to the uncertainty due to the health crisis, we had to face the negative impact…
Can I be an inclusive leader? How to be an inclusive leader? In today’s post I would like to share with you some interesting reflections that emerged in the debate of the Café con Talento channel with the theme of Inclusive Leadership and the management of diversity in companies. When we talk about diversity in…
Can I train my negotiation skills? Negotiating competence consists of the ability to reach interesting agreements and consensuses that satisfy the parties concerned. On many occasions we find ourselves in complex situations in which reaching these agreements becomes more difficult, and where disagreements may arise from ideas, points of view and conflicting opinions on certain…
What is curiosity? Is curiosity trained? How to train my curiosity? Curiosity is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that manifests itself in an attitude of questioning the status quo, seeking information and answers beyond the obvious, the ability to analyze situations and creativity to generate alternatives and solutions. Curious people are restless and seek information,…
How can I improve my public communication? Today we will talk about a competence of interpersonal intelligence, which is communication. We will focus on how to develop effective communication when we are in front of a group of people. The ability to communicate effectively in public affects our credibility as professionals and as people and…