Mi propósito es contribuir con alegría al desarrollo de las personas para que encuentren su misión, alcanzando su mejor versión en este camino.

personas con discapacidad en las empresas

The inclusion of people with disabilities in companies

In this debate on the “Café con Talento” channel, we discussed the inclusion of people with disabilities in companies. Inclusion is based on considering the diversity of people and individual differences in a positive way . Diversity is not a problem, but an opportunity for the enrichment of society, through active participation in family life,…

metodologias agiles empresas

Agile methodologies in companies: what they are and advantages

What are agile methodologies and their advantages? In this debate of the “Café con Talento” channel, we have chosen to deal with the topic of agile methodologies applied to the world of organizations. Agile methodologies in companies Today’s organizations move in constantly changing and complex environments. These environments are known as “liquid” environments, (as opposed…

tipos de generaciones en las organizaciones

The coexistence of 4 types of generations in organizations

What types of generations in organizations? How do they coexist? In this debate on the “Café con Talento” channel, we talked about the coexistence of four generations in organizations, which is a reality that happens in many companies today. To do this, we have had Enrique Iniesta, (Director of Human Resources Development of the Pikolin…

entrevista juan martínez de salinas

Interview with Juan Martínez de Salinas: personal branding, networking and employability

Interview with Juan Martínez de Salinas on personal branding, networking and employability I would like to share with you the conversation I shared with Juan Martínez de Salinas, an expert in networking and areas of skills development and personnel selection. I hope you find it as interesting as it has been for me, it is…