automotivación qué es y cómo fomentarla

What is kindness in the professional environment? How to develop this competence?

Today we will talk about an interpersonal emotional intelligence competency that is kindness. Kindness refers to the quality of the person of being considerate, tolerant, and well-treated. The kind person relates respectfully to others, recognizing their rights and dignity, even when they do not agree with their opinions or beliefs. The kind person treats others…


What is self-motivation? How can it be encouraged?

What is self-motivation? How to achieve self-motivation? Self-motivation is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence that shows the person’s ability to influence and properly manage their own energy to achieve their objectives and goals. People with high self-motivation are able to manage their moods and regulate them so as not to be intimidated by fears or…

Capacidad analítica

Capacidad analítica: Qué es y cómo podemos entrenarla

La capacidad analítica y de gestión de la información es la competencia de la persona para analizar variables, indicadores y datos y establecer conclusiones a partir de hipótesis y hechos. Las personas con capacidad analítica profundizan en los análisis que realizan, saben interpretar los resultados y las relaciones existentes entre los datos, demostrando coherencia a…