Capacidad analítica

Capacidad analítica: Qué es y cómo podemos entrenarla

La capacidad analítica y de gestión de la información es la competencia de la persona para analizar variables, indicadores y datos y establecer conclusiones a partir de hipótesis y hechos. Las personas con capacidad analítica profundizan en los análisis que realizan, saben interpretar los resultados y las relaciones existentes entre los datos, demostrando coherencia a…

Liderazgo Transformacional

What is Transformational Leadership and how to develop it?

What is transformational leadership? Leadership is a competence of interpersonal intelligence that we have already discussed in a previous episode. Today we will delve into transformational leadership in which the person manifests the ability to encourage, inspire and move other people to action to innovate and create changes that help them grow. What is transformational…

capacidad de integración

What does Integration Capability mean and how to develop it?

The ability to integrate is a competence of interpersonal intelligence that allows the person to easily establish socialization links between different people. People with a high capacity for integration tend to build “bridges” of communication between people, try to make people feel comfortable and find common ground even among unknown or apparently unrelated people to…


What is Self-Knowledge and how to develop it?

Self-knowledge is a competence of intrapersonal intelligence and is basic to be able to develop many other skills. It consists of knowing ourselves in depth, knowing how to understand our emotions, strengths, weaknesses, motivations and values. It involves going through several phases of reflection, such as self-observation, (ability to observe myself objectively and dissociated to…