What is the organization and planning of a project?
In today’s post we will talk about the competence of organization and planning of a project. It consists of the ability to establish goals and priorities when carrying out a task or defining a project by identifying the different actions, their execution deadlines and the necessary resources.
It implies the ability to know how to schedule tasks appropriately to achieve the proposed objectives in a realistic way.
It may sometimes happen that we commit ourselves to projects in which we have sometimes not adequately estimated the time or resources necessary for their execution or unforeseen events have arisen that force us to delay the deadlines committed.
We are going to review the different phases to be taken into account for optimal planning of a project, so that we anticipate these obstacles as much as possible and can react in time for the proper development of the project.
Phases in the organization and planning of a project
5 Reflection Steps for Organizing and Planning a Project
Let’s establish 5 steps of reflection in writing:
• Definition of Objectives and Goals.
What do you want to achieve?
Step 1: The Goal
The first step is to define the Objective, which will meet the acronym “SMART”:
- S: Specific
- M: Measurable
- A: Ambitious
- R: Realistic
- T: Temporary
Once the Objective has been established, make a listof all the Goals or Main Stages into which that objective is broken down, with a brief description of the result needed at each stage in order to be properly met.
Make sure they’re in chronological order.
Step 2: Identify the resources
Each of the goals identified in the previous step must have the resources associated with it to achieve their fulfillment.
Make a list of what you need to achieve each goal, (material, people, financial, etc.).
If you manage a team of people in this phase, you must associate each goal with the tasks and with the people who will be responsible for achieving each one.
Step 3: Prioritize tasks and create a calendar
Now you have to prioritize each goal and each task for each objective according to its importance. The tasks that are considered most important will need to be addressed and completed first.
You will decide the deadlines for the completion of each task. That will mean that each task must always be done before that date, it is not necessary to wait for the end, but it is necessary that this date is not exceeded.
It is therefore advisable that the deadline that is set is realistic and, if possible, consider leaving a margin of time in case unforeseen events arise.
Step 4: Decide on evaluation methods
Choose a periodic indicator for evaluation and monitoring to be able to monitor the progress of each of the goals over the established period of time.
This allows us to continuously monitor the results executed, so that corrective actions can be applied if necessary.
Step 5: Think of possible alternatives for action
On many occasions it may be necessary to change course in the face of unforeseen events.
A management plan should include a potential contingency plan.
What would you like to share or comment on the organization and planning of a project?
What has been positive for you in your experience in this regard?